We will have a busy next couple of weeks! Beginning on Monday, we will start our unit on Holidays Around the World. This year we will be learning how people celebrate Hanukkah, Santa Lucia, Diwali, Kwanzaa, and Christmas.
We will continue parent/teacher conferences on our early dismissal days, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Today, the children participated in the Hour of Code which introduced programming to all students. The Hour of Code is a world-wide project to introduce children to computer languages, and the children were able to explore programming through an iPad app called Kodable. They also programmed an electronic mouse to hunt for cheese, and they were able to use drawing to code a small robot. It was a great morning!
Please continue to send your child in with warm clothing, hats, and gloves. I know those things are easy to lose, so please LABEL all hats and gloves with a permanent marker. Have a great weekend!