Monday, March 20, 2017


Just a quick reminder that kindergarten parent/teacher conferences will be held in May and not next week with the 1st and 2nd graders.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back from February Vacation!  I hope you all had a chance to either rest and recharge or spent your days filled with fun activities.

Today (Wednesday) was the first day we had everybody back.  Some students have been out due to illness (it's still that time of year), but many kids look very rested and ready to begin the month of March.

While we said goodbye to our classmate, Jack, who has moved to another state, we welcomed a new friend, Arav, who began on Tuesday.  Welcome Arav!

This Friday our class will be enjoying a performance by singer/songwriter/musician Rob Duquette.  I had an opportunity to see him last year, and he was wonderful!  What a treat!